Wednesday, 6 May 2015

A wet but perfect last day of campaigning

Another perfect if rather wet blustery day for the last campaigning day in the local Hampstead Town by-election.

This has been one of the best campaigns that I have been involved with for two vital reasons;

1. Because I have lived in the Hampstead area all my life and it is where I am most often with friends and family. I have made many films here and done an entire photo collection of this most iconic of places.  I love Hampstead. 

2. You, yes all of you in Hampstead Town has shown me such warmth and openness. Those of you who not only opened your front doors to me to talk about my campaign but invited me in to your homes to take the weight of my tired feet and re-gain my stength a very big special thank you. :-)

With luck I hope to be elected your next and only Independent councillor for Hampstead Town. That choice is your choice, it is your given right to elect which party candidate or independent candidate you wish to serve you. This true democracy in progress.

But my pledges I made to you in person or in my literature I will do as promised if successfully elected as your councillor.

I also pledge that should I successfully be elected as your Independent councillor that I will not move over with a political party during my 3 year term of office, but remain the Independent voice of reason.