End of the week thought. It strikes me that the campaign started with doughnuts in the chambers of Camden Town Hall before finally moving to Washington DC, where only the best doughnuts are to be had in traditional paper bags passed around as gestures of political appeasement in the house!
Then we come to Cllr Theo Blackwell Labour Cabinet member for Finance article in CNJ this week 19th April making a far more serious and somber use of the doughnut as a metaphor for the squeeze on middle Camden in relation to people in receipt of Housing Benefit cap changes.
I plan to write a full analytical piece on this so called 'Doughnut' effect, which essentially states that migration out of Camden could occur in the transition upper end layer of the HB range due to the new HB Caps being phased in.
However, this is clearly not a subject for now during what is a highly charged and contested by-election. But I do feel it is important to state my deep concerns if such a situation were to occur here in Camden.
As co-opted member of Housing and Adult Social Care committee for the past two years. The new Housing Benefit caps has come up for discussion and indeed I have also attended a Housing Conference on Housing at Arlington Road in 2010. Where I joined a breakout group to try and give suggestions and solutions to help mitigate any such migration out of Camden by families living in private sector and Housing Associations that may become affected by the HB caps.
The clear message is that I care about the people of Camden and as your prospective councillor would endeavour to work to insure a fairer Camden for all.
Photo (c) KrispyKreme and I receive no sponsorship for the free plug here of my favourite brand too!