Friday, 20 April 2012

CTPH D-13 The weekend ahead and Nigel's Q&As

Again I plan to be visiting as many residents as is humanly possible this weekend.

In talking to you during the past weeks I am often asked, why do politicians only ever come round before elections and then when the elections are over they are never seen again?

Good question and I agree 'why should politicians only ever knock on our doors when they want something like our vote'.

This is why I have striven to be different and have been working here for you all for a decade in this local area. Not as a politician or political activist but more as a community campaigner addressing the 'Big Issues' locally.

People ask me 'yes but you must be a politician or political activist or you would not be standing for high office as a prospective councillor'? Again an excellent question right to the heart of the matter.

My answer is that I am true to my beliefs as a community campaigner in an area that is my Birthplace, my home, my workplace, my community, my Daughters community. What affects me affects all of us here in CTPH.

If HS2 were to proceed through Camden. It would affect all of us. As we all live in the same area.

The shortage of primary school places continues with no end in sight.

My own Daughter was one of the 130+ children without a place back in 2009 and 2010. After much searching and worries she eventually was offered a place.

There are career or professional politicians. That we know. It is essentially like any other job, a captain of industry if you will.

So to complete and answer that second question.

I am a local campaigner and wish to help make a difference locally as your prospective councillor. If that means that I am considered a politician too, possibly it does. Because that is how the system works.

But I would just have to work that bit harder to insure that my actions and convictions remains true to my beliefs within the context of being your prospective councillor.

Thanks to all those who asked me such thought provoking and challenging questions.

The photo shows my Daughter and yes and me attempting to ski over Primrose Hill several winters ago, when we did have the right kind of snow!