Again may I express my thanks to my local sport shop in Camden Town for advising me so well for all my campaign survival gear!
There is almost unanimous support for an independent free thinking councillor not saddled up with with a big political machine with whips at every difficult turn.
Naturally, I encounter the dire hard party loyalists and supporters that would never deviate from their normal party voting patterns regardless of the quality and character of the candidates. They usually always apologies to me and preface that with 'we realise you may be a great guy and do tremendous work for your community, but am sorry we can't vote for you'
In a strong sense I think this is a historic reflection of the political machine in process. The brand is as important as the statement and commitment to deliver. I would venture further and say that the brand appears even more vital to many voters. Just like some folks would never wear any trainers unless Nike. I don't wear Nike, I wear what is comfortable and at the right price!
Which helps explains why an Independent candidate standing alone usually do very poorly in local elections as they even though invariably have tremendous community credentials do not posses a brand that people can latch on to. Unless they can spend years promoting there name brand. Now it is possible that if a very well known individual were to enter as a local candidate as an independent they could do very well as they have brand name association, which is why American actors often become politicians and indeed Presidents!
I am convinced that most elections would have similar outcomes in many areas with no campaigning apart from three letters sent out by post from the regional council overseeing the election to invite people to vote and list all candidates. The first letter to announce election and list candidates with introduction statements of 100 words, the second to state the mid election messages from all candidates in no more than 200 words each and third the final letter with a summary statements from each candidates in 150 words.
Cheap, effective local politics with equal opportunity for all regardless of wealth or party wealth.
It would dismantle the election machines of all parties in one stroke. .
Many countries in Europe do similar things and have a completely consensual form of politics. It is proven to work well. It also creates more trust in politicians as they are no longer seen as being door-to-door sales people selling and promoting themselves and the party lines to an ever more sceptical public.
(c) Image illustrating the brand association emotional logic and many thanks to David Armano for allowing its use here -